It’s a great time to be an Analytical Chemist
One of the major divisions Key Corporate Services recruits for is Industrial Chemists. Our Chemicals Executive Recruiter and Search team specializes in placing elite professionals within the industrial chemical industry.
Analytical chemistry is a popular specialty among chemists. And, it’s a field “in demand”. A recent article by C &EN (Chemical and Engineering News) explained why “it’s a great time to be an analytical chemist.
“One of the reasons behind the growth of analytical chemistry jobs is that industries are recognizing the value that analytical chemists bring to solving challenging problems. They used to be thought of as a “service discipline” but are increasingly playing an integral part of the “development organization” of companies.
And, the fact that analytical instrumentation is becoming more powerful. This translates to an increasing need for people who can make sense of the tons of information being generated.
“Both of those factors open up more applications, which opens up more jobs.” Mary Ellen McNally, Technical Fellow at DuPont, says hiring of analytical chemists at DuPont has been on the rise, but finding qualified candidates remains a challenge. “We have closed out searches and started over because we are looking for highly qualified candidates,” she says.
The pharmaceutical industry has a growing need for analytical chemists with a strong interdisciplinary background. At Merck & Co., for example, analytical chemists who have training in synthetic and organic chemistry are especially sought after, says Zhihong Ge, head of analytical chemistry in the process and analytical chemistry department at Merck.
At Key Corporate Services, we have several job openings at anytime in the chemical industry.
Give us a call to see how we can match you up to a new career in this exciting field.
From The Key Corporate Services Blog Team