Key Corporate Services Partner Dave Kerns attends Informex USA, the Global Chemical Marketplace, to foster connections in the chemicals industry

Partner Dave Kerns of Key Corporate Services attends Informex USA to foster connections in the chemicals industryInformex
The Global Chemical Marketplace
February 19-22, 2013
Anaheim, California

Partner Dave Kerns attended Informex last week to foster current and new connections in the chemicals industry, in which Key Corporate Services is a major recruiting firm. On its official website, Informex is described as follows:

Informex USA is the only event of its kind offering exhibitors & attendees a direct view of what is happening globally across the fine, specialty & custom chemical marketplace. The event brings together an international mix of motivated buyers and sellers of high value chemistry for 4 days of sourcing, education & networking.

Key Corporate Services partner Dave Kerns attends Informex USA to foster connections in the chemicals industryAs Stephen R. Covey says in The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, we need to sharpen the saw, staying up on chemicals industry trends and learning more about the people making things happen. Events like Informex are a great way for us to keep the saw sharp.

Dave reports:

Key Corporate Services Partner Dave Kerns

Dave Kerns

I met with a good number of contacts from business development managers to presidents of companies, and all commented about how competitive business is right now. But everyone was also upbeat and optimistic about 2013. I met several of the candidates there that we are currently working with, and I also received a number of new positions from companies to fill. This was a really good show this year.

If you are in the chemicals industry and interested in looking for a new position or hiring someone new, we welcome you to contact us.

Matt Rouge
The Key Corporate Services Blog Team

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