Key Corporate Services Project Associate Denise Fry supports Women for Riley
Women for Riley webpage
Women for Riley Facebook page
Riley Cancer Center Prom information and video
Key Corporate Services values philanthropy and supports its associates’ initiatives to give back to the community.
Since 2010, our project associate Denise Fry has been a member of Women for Riley, a giving circle that provides funds to Riley Children’s Hospital in Indianapolis. In the past year, the members have contributed over $80,000 in grants, which support some of the hospital’s unmet needs and fund a variety of important projects. The members of Women for Riley also volunteer for events that brighten the lives of Riley patients and their families.
One of the biggest regular events is the Riley Cancer Center prom, which is held the first Friday of every May. The boys and girls receiving treatment in Riley’s renowned cancer unit, inpatients and outpatients alike, get to take a break from the world of medicine and put on the ritz with their family members and the doctors and nurses. The event also gives family members a chance to mingle with staff outside the treatment environment. Women for Riley members coordinate the event, working with the hospital’s social workers to make everything run smoothly.
Many people and organizations give to make the event a success. The kids have a personal shopping experience at an event called “Promingdales,” picking out dresses, shoes, jewelry, and other accessories. All of these items are donated, and the kids get to keep them, too. A catering company donates the food, and an audio-visual company does their part in making it a spectacular event.
Each year’s prom has a theme. Last year it was “Willy Wonka,” while this year it is “Under the Sea.”
Since 2011, Denise has served as the financial chairperson of the Women for Riley prom. Denise became interested in joining the group in the summer of 2010 and joined in August. One month later, her son was diagnosed with cancer and began treatment at Riley (thankfully, he’s doing well now). It goes to show that we never know in life how our giving will benefit others–or ourselves.
Denise says, “I really appreciate the support I get from the partners Jeff and Dave. I am able to go to Women for Riley meetings whenever I need to. They really make giving back a priority.”
If you are interested in joining Women for Riley or would like more information about the circle’s events, please see the links at the top of this page or contact Denise at 317-598-1950 x127 or