Find your Dream job by building your personal brand

A career today means something different from the work path our parents enjoyed. Over the 40-50 year span that you will work (employed or self employed), the path you take is more like a landscape travelled.  And that landscape will likely change several times, as jobs come and go along the way.

Everyone is a brand. Understanding this-and actively building it-empowers you to stand out and get the job you both love and deserve. listed 6 ways to define your brand, standout, and get hired:

1. Think of yourself as a company

Think of yourself as the CEO of “You” and the multiple companies you’ve worked for as valuable clients rather than as an employee hopping from job to job. This approach helps you market yourself professionally and effectively.

2. Dress for the job you want

Dress to impress. Always. This doesn’t mean you have to wear a suit to work, but brand yourself with style, intelligence and flair. How would the CEO of company “You” dress?

3. Build an online persona

In a social media driven society, having an online brand is integral to standing out. Whether it’s Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter or another medium, your social profiles should reflect how you want to be viewed.

4. Expand your network

Networking is key to opening doors. As the CEO of company “You,” schedule coffee chats or lunches with people who inspire you. Chances are, your uniqueness and professionalism will inspire them to help you in your career.

5. Love your projects

Take on challenging projects. Employers love to see how you’ve expanded your skill sets and stretched your comfort zone on projects.

6. Be yourself

The bottom line? Be human, and be yourself. Don’t try to conform to the conservative work persona you think employers want.

At Key Corporate Services, we’re experts at knowing how the employment landscape has changed over the past decade. We have specialists that can help you define your “brand” and land that dream job.

Call us and let’s get started!

From The Key Corporate Services Blog Team