Hiring people who fit
At Key Corporate Services, we spend a lot of time working closely with our client companies to match the right candidate to key positions.
Building a solid team of top performers who work well together is a challenge. And, while new employees don’t come with guarantees, there are some things any hiring manager can do to help ensure they will be a hit.
Can you manage them?
As a manager, you must get work done through others. So, once you’ve determined that a candidate is qualified for the position, find out if they will be manageable. Asking a candidate to describe the qualities of a good manager; to explain how their previous boss got the best out of them; to discuss how they handle constructive criticism; or to describe the worst manager they ever had will help you determine if you can successfully manage them.
Are they right for your company?
Gauging how a candidate will fit in with your corporate culture is extremely important. Make sure the candidate’s goals and their dedication to reaching them dovetail well with your company’s vision. For instance, if your company emphasizes a team environment, a candidate who prefers working solo may not be the best choice.
“Right” vs. “Perfect”
Ultimately, there are no assurances when hiring an employee. The “perfect” candidate may not exist, but the “right” one probably does. What constitutes the “right” hire? A person who is able to do the work, someone with team spirit and who is manageable, a professional who fits the corporate image and who is personally compatible with your company, and an emotionally mature adult with sound and rational judgment who will be a tremendous asset to your department and your company.
Hiring the right people for your company is one of your greatest challenges as a manager. At Key Corporate Services, our specialists work extra hard and have keen eyes for the best candidates based on our client company’s needs.
This helps to ensure a good “FIT” for all involved.
From The Key Corporate Services Blog Team