Job searching? Ways to make yourself standout- #2- Stand out on Paper!
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Job searching? Ways to make yourself standout- #1 Online
Standing Out on Paper
Okay, resumes today may not technically be written on paper and are submitted electronically. That doesn’t mean you still don’t need it to stand out from the crowd.
Numbers are a good thing- Simply put, if you want your resume to be most effective, use facts, figures, and numbers to quantify accomplishments and demonstrate your value to employers.
While your previous jobs may not have measured your contribution as it impacts revenue or growth, you can still include figures related to how many people were impacted by your work. And, you most likely had yearly goals that you can highlight if exceeded.
Make specific connections: Your resume should be tailored to a specific position you’re applying to. Accomplish this by first reading the job description carefully and researching the concerns and issues of the company. Then, craft your resume with a focus on describing how you’ll accomplish job requirements and address pain points in the organization.
Add a splash of personality: Cover letters are a great place to exude some personality. You can shine and still keep it professional. Write an engaging cover letter that’s interesting to read, and also conveys your fit for the job. This simple accomplishment could make you stand out, making a hiring manager very happy.
Send on Mondays: A little known fact is that, according to job search website, job candidates are more likely to be called for an interview if they send out resumes on a Monday, as opposed to any other day of the week.
At Key Corporate Services, our specialists know how to assist candidates in crafting resumes that maximize strengths with a quantitative emphasis.
Give us a call today.
From The Key Corporate Services Blog Team