Keys to writing a GREAT SUMMARY in your LinkedIn profile

Anyone looking for that next job has to accept that having a great LinkedIn profile is critical. This professional network is used by employers and recruiters on a daily basis to find the right talent. However, if your profile isn’t completed or keyword optimized, employers won’t be able to find you. One section often neglected is the summary section.

Here’s some suggestions on how to write a LinkedIn summary so that your profile attracts more attention:

Forget the mundane over-used phrases – What value does using a phrase like “self-motivated”, “accomplished professional” or “exceptional communicator” bring to your image? They really don’t make you stand out from the competition? Everyone else is using the same trite descriptions of themselves!

Create your USP – The first rule of any great creative writing (and after all, isn’t this an exercise in that) is to identify your Unique Selling Proposition that makes you stand out from the crowd. Doing this well will give any prospective employer a quick overview of who you are, what you are looking for, and most importantly, what you can do for them.

Use the summary section to identify specific achievements and make sure you quantify them as much as possible. These provide clear reasons why employers should engage with you.

Share lists of responsibilities and accomplishments in current and previous positions. Mention what you specialize in, the clients and technologies you use. The secret is to flush out as much information as you can for each relevant position.

Keywords are critically important! – Your blueprint for finding the right keywords lies in the posted job positions. Use them in the content of your profile. These are particularly applicable in the summary section, as well as the specialties section with relevant jobs.

Be careful not to stuff your summary section with keywords. Use them where they naturally fit in describing areas of expertise.

Following these tips will help your LinkedIn profile get noticed and attract the right people to you. It is simply a numbers game when it comes to landing that next position. Increase the number of people noticing your profile and your chances improve dramatically!

As a leading executive recruiter, Key Corporate Services has targeted relationships with many top companies in a variety of industries. Contact us today to speak with one of our team members.

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