Reasons to look for a new job #5: You’re not challenged enough
Previous posts in series:
- Reasons to look for a new job #1: You don’t like your current job
- Reasons to look for a new job #2: You want to be in a new location
- Reasons to look for a new job #3: You want to be back in your old location
- Reasons to look for a new job #4: You don’t like your current location
Pointless paperwork. Soul-deadening meetings. Months and years passing without any change for better or worse.
Meanwhile, outside your office window (if you have one!) is a big world in which you’d love to have influence. To make your mark. To create a lasting legacy.
If this sounds like your life, you’re not alone. Forbes reports:
According to 2011 research by management-consulting firm Gallup, 71% of American workers are either not engaged or actively disengaged from their jobs, with highly educated and middle-aged workers the least likely to feel involved in and enthusiastic about their work.
That’s a very high number!
Even when they are bored to tears in the workplace, some people are happy to cash the paycheck and let life recede into the distance. But most top professionals are not so inclined! They understand that life is about more than just getting by. It’s about having accomplishments. About taking on and overcoming challenges. About helping change the world for the better.
If you are a top-flight professional, then you don’t have to settle for mediocrity. Many companies need you right now! Key Corporate Services finds top talent for top jobs. Please take a look at our open positions to see if one has the kind of challenge that would be meaningful to you. If you don’t see the right job, please contact us. We will keep in touch and have suggestions for you going forward!
The Key Corporate Services Blog Team