Reasons to look for a new job #6: You want to use your education
Previous posts in series:
- Reasons to look for a new job #1: You don’t like your current job
- Reasons to look for a new job #2: You want to be in a new location
- Reasons to look for a new job #3: You want to be back in your old location
- Reasons to look for a new job #4: You don’t like your current location
- Reasons to look for a new job #5: You’re not challenged enough
As everyone today knows, going to college is expensive. According to College Data,
In its most recent survey of college pricing, the College Board reports that a “moderate” college budget for an in-state public college for the 2012–2013 academic year averaged $22,261. A moderate budget at a private college averaged $43,289.
Yet at the same time, according to the Washington Post, only 27% of college graduates are actually using their major in their job!
Presumably, we spend $80,000 and up for our college educations based on a vision of doing something in particular. Sometimes we take a job right out of school that doesn’t reflect our original vision. This job may even lead to a lucrative career, yet the vision can remain with us as well. Sometimes we start off in the career of our choice but get sidetracked along the way. We may want to return to the career that reflects our original educational choice.
For these reasons, one reason to look for a new job is to leverage that expensive education. At the same time, it’s important not to be trapped by sunk cost: we shouldn’t look for a career that matches our college major simply because we paid so much for our education. Rather, we should always try to realize our current vision for ourselves. Often that will line up with our original educational choices; often it will not.
If you are a top-flight professional with a strong vision for your career you would like to fulfill, we would love to hear from you! Please contact us when you have a free moment.
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