What are the TOP behavioral Interview questions?
Whether you’re a company or candidate, working with Key Corporate Services is going to involve our use of behavioral interviewing somewhere in the process. It’s our firm belief that determining a company’s key performance indicators aligned to a job opening along with finding candidates whose innate behaviors match those KPI’s, reduces the chances of a mis-hire.
Some of the TOP behavioral questions any candidate should expect to be asked include the following:
? Tell Me About A Time You Worked Effectively Under Pressure
This question is designed to reveal what kind of challenging work situations the candidate has been in and how the candidate defines work pressure.
? Have You Ever Made a Mistake at Work? What Happened and What Did You Do About it?
Everyone makes mistakes, but what’s important is how they handle them. This question gives the candidate the opportunity to be honest and explain what was learned by making a mistake.
? Give an Example of a Goal You Reached and How You Achieved It
Understanding expectations and goals and working within timeframes and deadlines are important in project work and teamwork, as well as in departments and small workgroups.
Hiring managers can use behavioral interviews to elicit real information about how candidate’s work, how they feel about work, and what their work styles are to get the best match for your openings.
If you’re a candidate who has not experienced behavioral interviewing, our specialists will help you prepare for it.
We have a lot of experience in behavioral interviewing!
From The Key Corporate Services Blog Team