Reasons for working with a recruiter #3: You get feedback on your resume
Previous posts in series:
- Reasons for working with a recruiter #1: You gain access to hidden jobs
- Reasons for working with a recruiter #2: You get a reality check on your skills and experience and their value in the job market
You may have seen one of our recent posts about resume tips. Since Key Corporate Services is one of the premier recruiting companies in the United States, we work with resumes–a lot. We receive resumes, we send out resumes, we decipher overly complex resumes, praise simple and to-the-point resumes, and advise our candidates on making their resumes better.
The experience and abilities of the candidate often do not match up very well with the quality of the resume. We see fantastic resumes from people just out of college and poor resumes from people with lots of work experience. Further, resume writing is a very specific type of writing, and sometimes even good writers don’t make the most of their CV.
Thus, as recruiters, we can advise people on how to improve the quality of their resume overall. But there is another type of advice we offer that is very important: how to target the resume to a specific industry or company.
A resume may be very well-written on the whole, yet if it doesn’t show off your education, abilities, and accomplishments to best advantage to the companies in which you are interested, then it can’t be considered successful. We are experts at tweaking good resumes so that they position you effectively in the eyes of hiring managers.
There are only a few ways to get this type of advice. You can pay a resume-writing expert. You can ask an equally qualified friend to do you a favor. Or you can talk to a recruiter who is serious about partnering with you on your job search.
We are this type of recruiter. We are interested in real partnership with our client companies and with serious candidates. We won’t rewrite any resume that lands in our inbox, but we do help our candidates adjust their resumes to be maximally effective in their search.
If you are a professional seeking a better opportunity and life, please contact us. We would love to hear from you–and take a look at your resume!
The Key Corporate Services Blog Team