Restarting a stalled career-take action and revive your trajectory!
You once had regular promotions. Now, you seem to be passed over and you feel stuck and stale in your job.
That’s not unusual. Even star performers sometimes stall.
It’s time to take action and revive your trajectory. Plateaus are inevitable during the decades of a work life. But as businesses raise expectations for managers’ performance, even a little coasting can kill a career, leadership experts say.
Realize things are not going to heal themselves. And you have to grow in your career. Otherwise, you’re going backwards.
A recent Wall Street blog offered these suggestions on how to jump-start your career:
- First, talk to your boss about the steps required to realize your ambitions.
- Do a self-assessment, including aptitude tests, to determine your strengths.
- Consider acquiring new skills or credentials that may put your plateaued career back on the fast track.
- Focus on the future by setting specific new goals in your career.
- Find a catalyst (mentor) that can help you get to where you want to go. It should ideally be someone at least 2 levels of management above you and who is committed to seeing you succeed.
…..There’s always the “nuclear option”- when all else fails…
Consider a career move to another company. While it may mean a step down initially, a move could remove road blocks within an existing company that are beyond your control. Aligning with a new company could mean several quick promotions to a pay level exceeding current income.
If your skills are in the industries we recruit for, give us a call.
At Key Corporate Services, we are in the business of jump-starting stalled careers.
From The Key Corporate Services Blog Team.