Steps to take before embarking on a job search- Step #1 Know your skills, strengths, and interests

The best job searches incorporate some advance planning.  Before striking out, there are some steps you need to take to get off on the right track and build momentum quickly.  With a little preparation, you can avoid mistakes and pitfalls that often bedevil the average job seeker along the way.

The first step is to take some time to analyze your strengths, skills and interests.

But, how should this be done?

You do it by spending some time alone, thinking about your life-long work experiences.Think about those skills you actually used to do that job. If you are re-entering the workforce or entering it for the first time you’ll have to look at your life experiences to get this information. Examine every aspect of your role including day-to-day responsibilities, projects in which you played a part, and various tasks you handled.

With these skills in mind, can you picture your ideal job?  If so, what are possible “deal breakers” you may encounter along the way to obtaining this job?  It may sound like a simple process, but you need to know who you are before you can decide what you want to do.  Only then can you create an action plan on how to get there.

Then, ask yourself….

Are these skills transferable to that new, ideal job?  Before wasting time applying to that position, be sure your transferrable skills match those listed. Knowing your transferrable skills and targeting your efforts towards positions that you are qualified for increases your chances of success.

Doing some up-front research to understand your skills, strengths, and interests before applying for jobs will help you clearly focus on the target of landing that dream job.

From The Key Corporate Services Blog Team