Three steps introverts can take to highlight their talents and advance their careers.
Do you consider yourself an introvert? If so, you’re not alone. Studies show that up to one-half of us are! And that’s not a bad thing. After all, think how dreadful the workplace would be if everyone were aggressive, outgoing and dominant like Donald Trump. Yikes!
Someone more introverted is energized by time alone, is an excellent listener, thinks carefully before speaking or acting, and prefers to express feelings in writing instead of talking. according to Beth Buelow, the Tacoma, Wash.-based founder of The Introvert Entrepreneur.
If you consider yourself an introvert, you need to emphasize strengths you have (strengths often not present in the extrovert) whenever the opportunity arrises in order to move your career forward.
It may take practice, but get comfortable discussing your accomplishments and strengths to anyone and everyone.
- Offer stories and examples of how you contributed to a past success.
- Use your strengths to promote yourself- listening, focus, making one-on-one connections- these are all great communication skills.
- Focus on your listening skills. Great listening skills are one of the most valuable traits of a leader.
Any workplace needs a healthy balance of character traits.
Whether you’re an introvert or an extrovert, our specialists at Key Corporate Services are committed to matching your personality to the perfect job.
Let us know how we can help.
From The Key Corporate Services Blog Team