To make a career advancement, you may have to think SIDEWAYS.
In climbing the corporate ladder, sometimes it makes sense to take a detour. At every level- including the top- professionals, managers, and executives-in-waiting commonly zigzag through several lateral lurches before stepping up to their destination position.
Why is it that making lateral moves is becoming more the norm, rather than the exception, in career moves? Analysts will tell you to blame the recession.
Traditional ‘direct- line’ advancement opportunities have shrunk as companies have flattened or compressed hierarchies. This has effectively eliminated rungs that were previously part of the expected climb.
Because of this reality, it has become more important to “think sideways.” If you don’t plan ahead by considering lateral rotations as part of your career development plan, you may end up stuck on your current ladder rung indefinitely, unless you find a way to take a larger-than-usual step up. Yet paradoxically, exceptional advancement is less likely if you haven’t taken the time to boost your experience and confidence with lateral moves.
Decide for Yourself What ‘Up’ Means. Part of effective career planning is knowing what’s right for you. If you reach a career crossroads where a move feels wrong based on your own goals and vision—whether it’s sideways, up, or down—maybe its time you talk to us?
AT Key Corporate Services, we know that career advancement is usually NOT a straight path to the top. In reality, many of the candidates we work with are looking to make a zig-zag lateral move ( to jump-start career advancement) even if it means moving to another company. And that’s ok.
We have individual teams dedicated to each of our nine Executive Search and Recruiter Services.
From The Key Corporate Services Blog Team