Unmasking the Mystery of How Executive Recruiters Find Candidates

The executive recruiter process is wrapped in mystery to many people. Whether it is a long-established recruiter like Key Corporate Services or a newer recruiter, questions abound on the part of both candidates and potential clients about everything from services offered to costs for these services. One such area of uncertainty lies in just how the recruiter finds the right candidate for a position they are trying to fill.

In an effort to de-mystify the process, we share some ways recruiters search for candidates:


As you might expect, if a recruiter has been in business as long at Key Corporate Services (since 2000), there is a network of contacts in the industries we recruit for that can be tapped. The recruiter has established contacts in the industry with senior leadership, university alumni, and industry influencers.

REFERRALS are the lifeblood for great prospects

A recruiter will use people inside an industry who can recommend individuals who might be perfect for a job opening. These people are trusted by the recruiter as someone who has an in-depth knowledge of the industry and is a reliable observant of talent.

LINKEDIN is a Growing Source for Talent

LinkedIn can be an important source for job-related contacts. The online professional site has a recruiter section in the Talent Solutions program that provides recruiters the ability to search full profiles. This review can be done “on the sly” without the candidate ever knowing their profile is being viewed.

And, there are other SOCIAL PLATFORMS

The Internet provides a wealth of locations that can provide sources for qualified candidates. Sites could include industry-related blogs or professional niches. Twitter and Facebook can be used to track industry-related topics authored by professionals who provide expertise and engaging conversations. These may be the perfect candidates the recruiter is looking for.

They mine the PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS for the gems

Any recruiter is going to realize the value of associating with professional organizations representing the industries in which they recruit. They will attend professional events and trade shows, hobnobbing with representatives in the industry at lunch or after-hours social gatherings. Business cards will be exchanged. Job seekers in the industry will also be there and seeking out these recruiters.

Yes, recruiters use GOOGLE too!

Recruiters will use Google and other search tricks to find professionals in the right location and industry. They may search using the keywords “resume” and another keyword, such as a professional license, degree, etc.

And…they use their own SOCIAL RECRUITING APPS

Different from the traditional Facebook or Instagram app, apps designed for recruiters like TalentBin identify employees within a company, gather their resumes, and search for prospects. Another app is SwoopTalent, providing automated search capabilities for recruiters across the entire web.
In summary, executive recruiters have lots of ways to search and find top candidates for a position. They can stay abreast of the best talent available and know the way to connect with this talent.

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