Why use an Executive Recruiter to Help with Your job search?- Reason # 1
If you are thinking about changing jobs, or have been looking for a job for a while, you probably have already considered using an executive recruiter to help you. Naturally, we at Key Corporate Services feel there are distinct advantages to using a service like ours.
From our perspective, it certainly can increase your chances of landing a new position. But why is that? The answer is simple; using an executive recruiter gives a candidate access to insider information. Here’s why:
Executive recruiters develop relationships with many different companies, HR professionals, and hiring managers just by the nature of their business. They get to know a company’s people, preferences, reputation, work environment, and culture. This means that you’ll have access to this insider information when you go into an interview situation with the hiring company—an advantage you would not otherwise have if you were approaching a company on your own.
At Key Corporate Services, we have long-term relationships with many companies. We know the hiring managers and the HR directors. We network face-to-face with these people through industry trade shows. And, we know of positions that corporations have that aren’t actually posted on job boards.
If you are looking for a job and are considering using an executive recruiter, give us a call. Our specialists at Key Corporate Services will use their expertise and contacts to maximize your potential and increase your chances of landing that next job.
From The Key Corporate Services Blog Team