Finding what right looks like, part 7: Our short list of candidates lets our client find the right employee within an average of 3.3 interviews
This post series comes to you courtesy of our cofounder and co-managing partner Jeff Wilson. For more information on how Jeff can help you discover “what right looks like” in your hiring, please contact him at 317-598-1950 x102 or
Previous posts in series:
- Finding what right looks like, part 1: Our unique, comprehensive, and highly effective hiring process
- Finding what right looks like, part 2: Understanding behaviors is the key to successful hiring
- Finding what right looks like, part 3: Key performance indicators (KPIs) are “right” numerically expressed
- Finding what right looks like, part 4: Behavior trait selection matches the right behaviors to an open position
- Finding what right looks like, part 5: Custom-written questions are the foundation of successful behavioral interviewing
- Finding what right looks like, part 6: Performing behavioral interviewing for our clients saves them time and finds them better candidates
In this post, I’ll talk about the steps of our hiring process that are in bold:
- Get to know the client and understand the client’s business and HR needs on a deep level.
- Discuss and determine with the client the KPIs (key performance indicators) and specific metrics of the position.
- Discuss and determine with the client the job duties and any skills and qualifications required to perform them.
- Discuss and determine with the client the behaviors required for top performance in the position.
- Write the behavioral interview questions with client input.
- Conduct behavioral interviews and provide comprehensive feedback along with a summary of answers provided by the candidates.
- Present the client with a short list of candidates qualified through the behavioral interviews.
- Provide extensive interaction with the client throughout the interview process.
Here is a stunning statistic about our behavioral interviewing process from our behavioral interview page on our website:
When you select us as a strategic business partner and utilize our behavioral interviewing system combined with our engaged search services, our metrics show a fill rate of over 98% and an average of less than 3.3 candidates interviewed for a successful hire.
This last sentence means that the client has to take the time to interview, on average, just 3.3 candidates in order to find the right person for the job! This is possible because we’ve already done the heavy lifting and performed multiple behavioral interviews in order to produce the short list.
So what does the hiring manager need to do with the short list? He or she will perform what are typically called “second interviews”: having the candidate visit the workplace and making sure that the hiring manager, future coworkers, and other stakeholders in the hire are comfortable with the candidate and that everything does indeed feel “right.”
Having only 3.3 candidates in, on average, for second interviews saves an incredible amount of time and money. Of course, this is in addition to the savings that come from not having to do first-round interviews–at all!
In our final post of the series, we’ll cover Our in-depth follow-up process ensures that clients are happy with the candidates we find for them.
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